Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Quote

I'm not sure I should post a quote when I'm not sure where it's from; however, I found it on a piece of paper in our floorboard. It's not my handwriting, but I thought it was a thought-provoking quote.
If you know who said it or wrote it, let me know.
It wasn't me, so I take NO credit!
However, it makes me think. I'm still mulling it over in my mind.
Thought it might do the same for you.
"We rarely change until the pain we feel from the problem exceeds the pain we fear from change"

Be blessed!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


28. Hope. . .no matter what!
29.  Kids being healed from cancer!
30. Adults who invest in the lives of my daughters. I do believe it takes "a village" to raise a child. Not because Hilary Clinton said, but because the entire Word of God is about our dependence on Him and His provisions to us, which include the people around us.
 The Word of God says in
Exodus 17:11-12
"As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady till sunset."

We are not here in isolation! We were meant for one another! The Israelites were dependent on Joshua (who was dependent on God) to choose the right men for battle. The men in battle were dependent on the leadership of Joshua. Joshua's success in battle depended on Moses's arms being raised. And, Moses needed Aaron and Hur to help him raise his hands! It's a great lesson that was first taught to me by a wise man. I will never forget that sermon and was grateful to be able to study on it again through our Beth Moore study. Be thankful this week that you are not to be alone! If you feel like you are, look around. . .God has provided someone to help you hold up your arms! Be blessed!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

1,000 is a long way off!
But, I will continue to count my gifts!

23. The beginning signs of spring
24. Good friends in the workplace. . .those who can be trusted!!
25. Easy going friendships. . .those friends that are always there. . .a 2-way relationship
26. Playgrounds!
27. Food that reminds you of childhood

Father above, Praise You for loving me! For being all powerful, yet all personal!
You are the One True God! There is none like You!
You are relational! You sacrificed for mankind!
All other gods just demand from mankind!
NOT You!
Thank You Jesus for be self-less despite my selfishness!
For being Faithful despite my faithlessness!
For marking on my forehead, "Holy to the Lord"!
The only holiness I possess is by you adorning me with Yours!
Love you!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Psalms 79:13

Psalms 79:13
So we Your people and the sheep of Your pasture will give thanks to You forever; To all generations we will tell of Your praise.

20. Really funny people!! Nothing is better than a good belly laugh
21.  Empathy: To be able to feel another's pain even when you don't know them so that you can lift them up in prayer!
22. Clean, running water to use at anytime! That's one thing I definitely take for granted! Praise Jesus!!

Praise God that we serve a LIVING God, giver of life, provider, healer, Most High, Creator of the universe, Savior from our sins! I love you Jesus!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Back on Track!

Back to a thankful heart. . .
Trying to notice thankful moments in the  unexpected times. . .

16. A messy apartment
(This one is most difficult, but I realized that a messy house means it's a house full of people! What a blessing!)
17. Gifts of love shown thru acts of service!
18. Naps on a Sunday afternoon
19. Noisy, crazy days in a cramped apartment. . .it means my house is filled with young children. I want to remember these moments for a lifetime!

Have you caught the "bug" yet? I hope so!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Every Good and Perfect Gift is from Above

Have you been noticing the gifts Your Father has flowered you with? I hope so!
It's still not natural for me to notice the little things, but I know with perseverance it will come!
Today, I have noticed the following gifts:

12.  Conviction of the Holy Spirit
13.  Loyal Christian friends
14. Innocence of my kids
15. A good night's sleep with no pain, no disturbance, just a cozy bed

It's interesting that sometimes He brings gifts to your mind when you most notice their absence!

James 1:17
"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gifts Galore!

8.  Secure arms of my husband
9.  Soft, precious hands of a preschooler
10. Sound of feet dancing around
11. Ability to walk unhindered

Colossians 3:15
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Being Thankful!

Philippians 4:6
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

As my count"up" to 1,000 gifts continues. . .here are a few more

4. People in my life who understand technology
5. That God doesn't judge us by a number on a test, given on one specific day of the year!
6. Wind on my face
7. Laughter. . .from a baby, from a 7-year-old, from a 10 year-old, from a grown man, welling up inside of me!

Are you thankful for something today? Do you have something you need to go to the Lord about? If so, go to Him with thanksgiving. Let your requests be made known to Him through a thankful heart!
I hope you are "catching" the challenge!

Monday, March 5, 2012

One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
I haven't finished it yet, but this book is inspiring me!
It's created a challenge of sorts. . .
To be more grateful.
To look all around for gifts that God has given me!
So, I'm hoping each day to get on my blog, and express gratitude to my Creator. . .
Because He has left an amazing world as a gift!
I just do not open my eyes enough to see!
If you like, join me!
Feel free to visit each day and share the gift you noticed that day!
Or, if you just stop by to read,
start your own gratitude journal!!
Let's see how fast we can list our 1,000 Gifts!
I'm sure it won't take long!

Colossians 3:16-17 (NASB) "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father."
#1: A child in my arms
#2: Warm sunshine on a crisp afternoon
#3: A great Christian novel

God, You are the giver of all good things! Let me not forget that it is You who is my provider!
Keep my eyes open to see Your gifts, to recognize the small things!