Friday, October 21, 2011

Keeping His Face in Our Sight

Just saw this amazing video while I was on Tim's facebook (and, no, I wasn't stalking this time!!). It's an interesting video after finishing the book, "The Hiding Place", by Corrie Ten Boom. This is the 2nd time I've read the book, and personally, I think it's a must read every year. The ever-present reminder of Jesus and His sacrifice is what kept Corrie and her sister pressing on for their higher calling while they ministered in a concentration camp. The portrait of Christ as painted in the gospels reminded them that He suffered more. No matter what they encountered, the scripture came alive in each circumstance. Everytime they were tempted to be selfish. . .it was Him and His Word that guided them on the true path. Reading the book opened my eyes greatly to my own selfishness, which I think has grown worse with each passing year. Please pray for me to be selfless, like Christ, putting others' needs ahead of my own. To be thankful in all things. . .no matter the circumstance! If I can keep this image of my Savior, the lover of my soul in the forefront of my mind, it will make the daily struggles seem easier to bear!
Praise Jesus for the gift of artists who give us a visual reminder of Him!

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